
Work Submission

A certain format is required for the students to follow when submitting their reports. Failure to abide by the format at the beginning of the semester will be noted on the graded report for the students as reminder to follow the format. However, specific penalties will be applied if the format is not followed. Below is the complete list of the requirements.

Report must be computer processed. No hand-written submission is graded. The only exceptions are graphs and plots, which is still recommended to be computer processed, but will not cause point reduction if neatly and professionally hand drwan.

Reports must have a cover page (see the format) using the same fonts you are planning to use in the report. All pages must be numbered. Page numbering should be included in the footer section of the page.

Original assignment sent by the instructor should be included after the cover page. Cover page and original assignment page should not be numbered. Page 1 of the report should begin from the actual report.

Although not required, students may choose to add additional information in the footer section next to the page number. Examples are: student name, course number, and homework number.

No other decoration on the pages, or information on the header section should be included.

Report must be stapled (top left corner, placed inside the pocket of a two pocket folder and slid under my office door befor the deadline.

On the outside top right corner of the folder write your name, course number, and assignment information. Two-pocket folders can have any color of your choice and you may write the information on the folder. However, if your folder has a dark color, the information is difficult to read. In that case, and preferably for any color folder, you need to use a white label and write the information on the label. There are some used folders from previous semesters available in my office, but they all need to have new labels.

If an assignment requires that you use a specific software or you chose to use a software other than Microsoft Word©, you need to submit the file from that software by email before the assignment deadline.

Any late submission is penalized. If you know that you may not be at school on the assignment deadline, try to submit your work a day earlier. You may aslo send your work to a friend or classmate to print and submit for you.

There is no make up for the missed homework. In extreme cases such as hospitalization, serious incidents, or legal proceedings, instructor will not include the grade from assignment in overall grade calculation.


Email communication

To send a direct email to the instructor, you must use a specific subject line format for your email. The format is: IEGRxxx: some information about this email, where xxx is the course number.

If a file is attached to your email, make sure that file name is unique. The recommendation is to use FirstInitials_CourseNumber_NametoRecognizeFile (for example MS_IEGR204_Homework3).


Google and Facebook Groups

To communicate specific information related to the entire class a Google group for the class is used. All students registered for the class are added as the members of the group. Only MSU emails are allowed for group membership. The group is a moderated group. It means that when an email is sent to the group, a moderator (in most cases, the instructor of the course) has to approve it before it is sent to all members. All class members may post to the group information or queries that all group members find it useful. However, if the questions, comments and information only are geared towards the instructor, then personal school email should be used. To send an email to the Google group use the email where xxx is the course number (for example,

To access IEGR204 Google group, launch your school email and click on the Google apps box (top right corner, next to the bell sign) and select My groups. You can also find the group thought its direct link here.


All class mebers are required to join the class Facebook group. The group is used to share tutorial videos and Web pages related to the materials covered in the class. Each class members is required to have at least 30 not-previously-posted posts. They can be videos from YouTube, and useful documents found on Web pages from around the world. The overall intention is to show that social media can be used as a tool for life long learning, research and cataloging pertinent information. IEGR 204 Fall 2016 Facebook group can be accessed here.


Class Attendance Policy

Class Attendance Policy at Morgan State University in contained on page 35 under Academics section of the university catalog. It is reprinted here for your information.

The following class attendance policy (approved by the Board of Regents on May 15, 1991) applies at the University: With the intent of optimizing student performance and ensuring students the opportunity to achieve their ultimate academic success, students are expected to attend all classes. Excessive absences may result in a failing grade. It is the student’s responsibility to confer with the course instructor concerning absences and the possibility of arranging to make up missed work, where that is a possible option. If students are absent from class to participate in University-sponsored or other University-endorsed activities, they may be permitted to make up any work that they missed, but they must make arrangements with their instructors in advance of the absence. Students must provide appropriate documentation for absences from classes resulting from illness or other emergencies. Instructors will make good faith efforts to en sure that students are not unduly penalized for excused absences. Instructors shall provide, as part of their course syllabi, a clear explanation of the policy on class attendance expectations, and the consequences of breaching said policy.

My specific policies are based on both university policy and student performance. When a student misses a class, it is the responsibility of that student to ask the fellow classmates about the materials covered and try to learn them on his/her own. Extensively published research has clearly indicated that missing a class has a direct correlation with failure in the class. Very few individuals can pass a course without attending and learning in the class room. As such, it is strongly recommended that you attend the class. Although, a mandatory attendance policy would not be in effect for the class, the attendance becomes mandatory for students who miss the class and the performance in the class is not satisfactory.