Paintshop Pro 5.0 Tutorial - Part 4

Step-By-Step Tutorial: Combining Images

Save the image on the right by right clicking over the image and saving it as hammer.gif to your working dirctory. In your Paintshop Pro, select "File", and "Open" and load the new hammer.gif file. You can alternate between hammer.gif and the other image by selecting "Window" from the menu, and ckicking on the name of the image.

You can alternate between hammer.gif and the other image by selecting "Window" from the menu, and ckicking on the name of the image. With hammer.gif as your active image, select "Edit", and "Copy" from the menu. This will copy the entire hammer.gif into the clipboard.

With the MMID image active, select "Edit", "Paste", and "As New Selection" from the menu and click once.

The entire hammer.gif image now appears on the MMID image. Notice the moving dashed lines around the hammer image. Again, you can move the new image and place it where you want. When finished, just right click to create the new image made from the combination of the two. As we recognize the white background of the hammer.gif image is covering over ares of the MMID image that I might need to be visible. Undo the operation and delet the hammer image selection from MMID image.

Go back to the hammer.gif image window. Make sure that the background color in the Color Pallete is exactly the same as the one for the image (white). If it is not, click on the "Dropper" Button . A dropper appears as you move your mouse over the image. Move to a point on the background of the image and right click. The background color in the Color Pallete changes to the color your dropper just picked. Now, again from the menu, select "Edit", and "Copy".

With the MMID image active, select "Edit", "Paste", and "As Transparent Selection" from the menu and click once.

The hammer image appears on the MMID image, but this time the background is transparent to the background color of the MMID image. Move the hammer to a location of your choice on the image and right click to set that hammer at that location.

Now, let's save the image...